
Unknown Armies Third Edition Roleplaying Game

Created by Atlas Games

A new edition of the occult tabletop game about broken and obsessed people risking everything to change the world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Stolze Kickstarter!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 07, 2016 at 07:36:21 PM

Beloved cabal,

Greg Stolze, co-creator of Unknown Armies and lead writer & designer of this new edition (which is being proofread now after a first layout draft - a quarter million words of layout) has a new Kickstarter project.

THANK YOU FOR SCREAMING is a collection of Greg's short fiction, reasonably priced for backers and gathered together into an unholy mix of thought-provoking and disturbing visuals for your brain meats.

Here at Atlas we always encourage our creative contributors in their artistic endeavors. Support Greg in this one, if you're a fan of his!


--Cam and the Unknown Armies production team

UA3 Production Update August 24, 2016
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:53:00 PM

Blessed Cabal,

The Pre-Order and BackerKit Survey Answering Window is Almost Over!

If you're one of the 100 or so folks who haven't responded to your BackerKit survey, please do this as soon as possible! Otherwise, WE CAN'T SEND YOU YOUR STUFF. That's right, without the additional info that those surveys provide us, your pledges just sit in some Otherspace, and don't get delivered to you.

Didn't get a survey? CONTACT US THIS WEEK. The whole shebang closes up AUGUST 31st, 2016.

And if you or somebody you know didn't get a chance to pledge during the Kickstarter, we're still taking pre-orders for a week! Share the link!

must... answer... survey
must... answer... survey


Unknown Armies 3rd Edition is being proofed!

That's right, our very own graphic adept Thomas Denagh has turned over the first draft of the UA3 layout for Book One: Play, Book Two: Run, and Book Three: Reveal and these books are looking FANTASTIC. There's more work to be done of course: editorial adept Colleen Riley is poring over each page, finding errant spaces, widows, orphans, demons, the usual stuff. This proofreading takes about a week or so, and then Thomas goes back to make revisions.

Is that an em dash or an en dash?
Is that an em dash or an en dash?

Book Four and Book Five are being gathered together!

99% of the content of these books is in hand and waiting for Colleen. Greg's work is terrific on Book Four: Expose, and you're sure to find something dark and disturbing in Book Five: Mine. You won't see these books until early next year, however, around the time you get your physical copies.

As always, the best way to contact me is crowdfund AT atlas-games DOT com, or through the Kickstarter or BackerKit message systems. Don't hesitate to follow up with questions if you have them, we want to help you.

From all of us here at Atlas Games & Unknown Armies, have a safe and happy end of summer and we'll see you after Labor Day!

--Cam and the UA3 production team

UA3 Production Update July 20, 2016
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 09:33:55 PM

Happy humpday, beloved cabal!

First, a BackerKit Reminder

185 backers have yet to complete their surveys. You should complete your surveys! If you aren't adding anything to your order, and your pledge covers everything, please go ahead and make those couple of clicks in order to finalize your pledge. As a reminder, you can always change your shipping address closer to the date if you're worried that you're moving, even once we've locked you down. Didn't get a survey email? Recover your survey email by clicking on this link.

Second, Where Your Books Are At in Production

A lot of folks are asking, hey why are the Unknown Armies 3 PDFs not in my downloads folder on BackerKit? The short answer is that they're not done yet!

Book One: Play is being laid out by Thomas right now! He's figuring out how to squeeze all of those juicy words and gorgeous art into the page count we assigned to him, but there's a chance the book's just going to have to get a little bigger.

Book Two: Run is in Thomas' hands as well, ready for layout.

Book Three: Reveal is still in my hands for final development and review after Colleen's exhaustive edits, and I'm turning it over to Thomas this week.

Book Four: Expose is being written by Greg, who is promising all manner of dark and disturbing content. That's due to be turned over to us roughly at the end of the month.

Also due at the end of the month is the combined content of Book Five: Mine, from our fiendish freelancers. That one's going to be a literal smorgasbord of weird, from new (or newly updated) archetypes to a huge pile of rituals and even some curious new optional rules to make your UA3 game even stranger.

 So Really, When Am I Getting My Books

Our expected delivery of the core set of Book One, Book Two, and Book Three in digital format is tentatively set to be the beginning of November. That's not a fixed date, but we think it's fairly reasonable. Delivery of your printed books is set for some time in April, as forecast on the Kickstarter page. We hope to have Book Four and Book Five available at around the same time as those physical books ship out.

Extra stuff, like the Campaign Starter Kits, James Semple's Musick for Unknown Armies, and various other stretch goals should also be done at around the same time in the late spring of 2017. The dice, for example, are going to ship out at the same time, although those may be in their own packages (especially if you're outside of the USA).

Remember as always to contact me directly at crowdfund AT atlas-games DOT com for all of your questions, queries, quotes, and furious rejoinders.

Go in peace,
Cam and the UA3 Production Team

Important BackerKit Update!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 05:59:07 PM

Happy Tuesday, cabal!

So far, over 2,350 of you have completed your surveys from BackerKit.

That's a really amazing number of people given the relatively short space of time that it's been live, and we really appreciate that.

In order to process your pledges swiftly and get those of you who have purchased digital downloads your rewards (except for the UA3 books, since those aren't completed yet - I'm talking crazy packs and the like) we need to lockdown completed surveys and charge your credit cards for additional funds. 

Our plan is to lockdown all answered surveys this Friday evening, July 8, 2016. When this happens, the following will occur:

  • Your survey can't be changed, except to update your shipping address & info
  • Your credit card will be processed through Stripe to cover any additional costs from add-ons
  • Your Digital Downloads folder should be populated with all available PDFs

If you have NOT YET filled out your BackerKit survey

...and that's around 430 of you, your lockdown date remains as August 31st, 2016. That's the absolute deadline for answering your pledge surveys and requesting additional items or spending credit. We won't be locking down any unanswered pledges this Friday.

Please ensure that you have made all of the changes, updates, and orders that you want before Friday if you've already completed your survey.

If you have specific questions or concerns me directly at crowdfund AT atlas-games DOT com, or drop me a message through the Kickstarter system. We will do our very best to respond to you promptly or, if we're all sleeping or being possessed by demons, within 24 hours at the latest.

Thanks once again,

Cam and the UA3 production team

BackerKit Surveys are out; Pre-Orders are live!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 11:01:13 PM

Beloved Cabal!

You should all have received in your email inboxes a survey from BackerKit wherein you may affirm your pledged items and get a chance to add on more goodies. 

If you missed out on the Kickstarter project, we've opened up Unknown Armies 3 for pre-orders, too. That link is here:

Thank you for all of your patience while we worked with shipping estimates and the folks at BackerKit who were extremely supportive of us and the transition process. We hope you won't run into any problems, but if you do, don't forget you can always contact us at our crowdfund AT atlas-games DOT com address or sign in to your BackerKit account once you've completed your survey.

Be well and keep your eyes open!

--Cam and the UA3 production crew