Termination Shock Kickstarter!
over 7 years ago
– Tue, May 23, 2017 at 07:14:35 PM
Beloved cabal,
Fans of UA co-designer Greg Stolze may already be aware of his new Kickstarter, Termination Shock, but if not and you're a fan of Greg's succinct and singularly solid take on RPGs then you should consider supporting this one.
Termination Shock is a science fiction RPG. For more, visit the Kickstarter campaign page here and let Greg know you're in!
Cam and the Unknown Armies production team
Hey... where are my dice?
over 7 years ago
– Sun, May 21, 2017 at 12:45:48 PM
Are you somebody who backed the Kickstarter at a pledge level that came with dice?
Are you wondering where your dice are?
Believe it or not, we sent all of the dice out last year! Yes, once the dice arrived near the end of 2016 our doughty warehouse and shipping manager Travis Winter shipped out all of the dice worldwide to those folks whose pledges included dice or who added dice as an add-on.
If you believe you ordered dice but never got them, please drop Travis a line at travis AT atlas-games DOT com. He can check his shipping records and resolve the problem.
Cam and the UA3 Production Team
Production News and the Statosphere
over 7 years ago
– Tue, May 09, 2017 at 04:12:27 PM
A fulsome Tuesday to all, beloved cabal. It's a little early for our monthly update but there's some news to share.
Digital Supplements to UA3
Here's where we are on these!
Campaign Starter Kits are still in playtest... all seven of them! I expect the last of the feedback to come in by next week. Then they're in the hands of our terrifyingly adept editor, Colleen.
Books Four and Five are in Colleen's hands right now, undergoing edits. From there they're going into layout.
- Coming up at the end of the pipeline is the PDF Reference Kit, which shouldn't take too long but includes a full index of the previous material (including CSKs and Books Four and Five) so it's still pending.
The Statosphere
We're almost ready to launch the Statosphere, which is Atlas Games' community content portal for Unknown Armies 3. The Statosphere lets fans and third-party creators create new scenarios, adept schools, archetypes, and more, and publish them via OneBookShelf. Half of all revenue from these products goes straight to the creators. We're excited to start this program, which came about because of YOUR support in the Kickstarter. More news on this as soon as it's live!
The White Box
A reminder also that with only eight days left to go, the White Box— a tidy package of DIY board and card game design elements — is currently underway in Kickstarter, co-helmed by our very own Jeff Tidball. Check it out if haven't yet.
Be well,
--Cam and the Unknown Armies production crew
Atlas Games's Latest: The White Box
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, May 03, 2017 at 04:13:58 PM
Short and sweet, Beloved Cabal:
We want to alert you to The White Box, a Kickstarter campaign we're co-producing with our friends at Gameplaywright.
The White Box is a game design workshop-in-a-box. We want to help people who think game design is awesome get the game ideas out of their heads and onto the table. More details here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jefftidball/the-white-box-a-game-design-workshop-in-a-box
Past that, we hope you're enjoying Unknown Armies, and that your obsessive plans to change the world are coming to glorious fruition.
—Team Atlas
April Update!
almost 8 years ago
– Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 01:03:14 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.